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Blue Wonder

AU 18 EASLEY 8985

Sire is Rene 5th prize SAMDPR 2017. Dam is Dino 7th prize final race 3,644 b. 5th Ace 5800 b. Portugal’s Golden Algarve. Sire to 18th & 33rd place Sooner Challenge 200 mile 2020, two of only 39 birds to return. Sire to E1st prize 100 miles Sooner Challange 2020. 

Breeding Availability:


Miombo 15


4th place final race Victoria Falls 1,482 birds 2019. Also 13th, 26th, 33rd 92nd etc. training prize. Father is ‘Cecil’ 3rd place Fed. Johannesburg (980 km) and mother is ’Taiga’ 100% Vandenebeele, 17th hotspot 5 - OLR 2016, 54th Final race - OLR 2016 from to lines ‘Het Bolleken’ Wondere Dirke’ Bliksem’ & ‘Kapoen’.  Original World Challenge Stud

Breeding Availability:


Patriot Puggle

AU 2020 EASLEY 191

Brother of Puggle who was first to the lofts with a five minute lead all alone at the South Africa Million Dollar race 2017. Only time in 20 years of racing has a cock ever come to the front and alone on the final. He was 4th to trap after a group of 4 came in on the next drop. Little Miss Kicky then Sunce then Rene.

Breeding Availability:


Porsche 918

AU 2020 EASLEY 102

Best of PIPA Elite Center and behind many big world class wins in 2019 and 2020 on the Pataya, SAMDPR, Golden Algarve, Victoria Falls, etc.

Breeding Availability:


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